Amazingly simple, delicious and low calorie! Only 220 calories per serving! Plus this plates up beautifully and makes you look like you went all out! Makes...
This has become a quick and easy favorite that we frequently make on the grill. Despite the ease of prep, it is bursting with flavor. It is from the Black...
This is the recipe you've been looking for! It makes a perfect sesame chicken. This excellent recipe comes out perfect every time with little fuss and...
When Dining at The Olive Garden this is one of my favorites. Please note this is from the Olive Garden Website and is not some knock off recipe. You can...
This came from my friend Liz's recipe box. Few ingredients but great flavor, chicken always turns out moist. She makes extra to have leftovers for Mexican...
This is an adopted recipe originally posted by MeanChef. I have left it unchanged it is just as he originally posted it. When I discovered this wonderful...
Never-fail recipe for cooking chicken breasts with the skin and bone still on. It's cheaper than buying boneless/skinless, in my opinion tastier, and just...
I heard on the Food Network station that roasting left the chicken with more flavor then boiling or cooking in the crockpot. So I thought I'd try it but...
This is so flavorful with the fresh rosemary and lemon. I make this when my garden is growing so I have the fresh rosemary. You can substitute dried rosemary...
After not finding anything in terms of crock pot orange chicken on Zaar, I found this recipe at, then made a couple of changes to suit my family's...
There is nothing crazy wonderful about this, it's just a good, hearty chicken and vegetable soup. I have been trying to eat more "low-carb" so this recipe...
Do not let the list of ingredients keep you from making this salad. Most of the ingredients are for the marinade and salsa which should be made the day...
My mom used to make this all the time when I was a kid. She'd save the crumbs left at the end of every bag of Lays potato chips until she had enough to...
The "chili" in this recipe comes from Thai sweet chili sauce and it gives this dish both sweetness and a very slight touch of heat. When I make this for...
This is from my Eat Well, Stay Well cookbook. Easily doubled and put in the freezer for make-ahead cooking. Don't let the long list of spices scare you....
This is a relatively simple dish to make and incredibly flavorful. My family and I eat a good deal of pasta, so I'm always looking for new ways of preparing...
This dish was inspired by combining several different recipes. (Note - we don't like a lot of extra sauce- just enough to cover the pasta - so if you like...
A lot of times, Chicken Francaise can be hard to pull off, and have it taste good. This recipe, adapted from the show Food 911 on the Food Network, is...
You can't get any easier than this recipe. I clipped it from a Kraft coupon, tweaked it just a little bit, and have been making this for years. My kids...
From Williams Sonoma's Cooking Basics. It uses boneless skinless chicken breasts and is quite delicious. It's a great dish for company. I used a little...
This recipe came from Paula Deen who has a cooking show on the Food Network. This chicken is so good. The house seasoning is made in bulk. You can store...
This recipe came from my friend Amanda, who loved to cook for us when we were roommates in college. This is another simple and delicious recipe- definitely...
Take note of the small size of the breast and keep in mind, the sauce is just enough to coat 2 small breasts. Double the sauce should you desire more....
This is a low-carb recipe that is absolutely delicious, rich, with so much flavor. I've served it to guests and it is elegant and gets rave reviews every...
This is for serious garlic lovers. The chicken bakes out so moist and tender! Grated cheese may be sprinkled on top of the breast the last 5 minutes of...
This is a delicious, quick and easy recipe! I made this a lot when I was a young adult, just starting to cook, and didn't have a lot of money to spend...